stock options

  1. MalcomLeed

    Recruitment of participants Stock Options Strategy: The CROC trade (low risk) Reseller
  2. MalcomLeed

    Recruitment of participants My Options Edge - The VXX Black Hole Strategy

    $79.90 The VXX Black Hole The low-risk strategy to trade volatility safer! This strategy uses a different approach on how to use options to capture not only time decay but also implied volatility variations. This trade aims at a profit target of 20%-25% in about a week or even less. Highly...
  3. MalcomLeed

    Recruitment of participants My Options Edge Stock - Options Strategy: The Pro Iron Condor

    Stock Options Strategy: The Pro Iron Condor A distinct view on how to trade Iron Condors for consistency. If you have ever traded this strategy you faced nice gains, but also huge losses. The strategy pdf presents a different way to trade Iron Condors as well as its rationale to deliver...