D.O.T.S. Trading Method - v3 - Manual Forex Trading System for Mt4
The D.O.T.S. (Daily Open Trading System) Method Indicator is a stand-alone trading model built into one indicator that identifies Entries, Exits, and Targets at the Open of the Day. D.O.T.S. is a price based indicator that calculates potential market price levels based on daily and historical market movement. The beauty of the D.O.T.S. Method indicator is its simplicity that most any trader, regardless of level of experience, trading style or trading system, can use in real-time at a glance.

Benefits of the D.O.T.S.Method Indicator:
- Stand-Alone one indicator trading model.
- Automatically updates at the Daily Open or Selectable Session Open.
- Identifies Buy Entry, two Buy Targets, and Buy Stop Loss levels.
- Identifies Sell Entry, two Sell Targets, and Sell Stop Loss levels.
- Identifies Trend Direction.
- Displays in the right margin so not to interfere with other trading systems.
- Multiple user friendly options.
- Customizable and easy-to-use.
- Works with ANY MetaTrader 4.0 platform and template!
- Selectable Daily Open: Australia, Tokyo, Midnight NY, Europe, London, and U.S.
- Display Trend Direction: Up, Down, or Flat.
- Adjustable Color settings.
- Adjustable Font Size setting.
- Adjustable Level Width setting.
- Multiple Clock setting.
- Look back feature shows DOTS Levels over a number of days.
Seller: Link
Price: 16$